"Pfft..haha!is this even a question?huh?You think they gonna beat us in OT?haha.!We will thrash 'em 4-0! Glory,glory Man Utd!"Ask the same question to a Liverpool die-hard,and he will tell:
"Gonna be an easy day for Milan!You know,we have beat Man U even without our main players!Milan will go through easily!"Ask a Rossoneri supporter,he'll tell the truth.
Milan nearly committed a suicide in the first leg at home,after a lack-luster defensive display was torn apart by Rooney.Milan's offence was satisfactory,unlucky in other words,fought back with spirit,to atleast keep the hope alive.
So,yes,I'm a Milan fan,whats the 'truth':
Last time,in 2007,when both teams met in the European stage,the same scenario happened.Milan were down 3-2 in the first leg and......in the second leg kaka,the guy who belonged to Milan,virtually thrashed Man Utd,single handedly scoring a hat-trick.The history usually repeats itself,as they say.The same scenario has repeated.
Kaka pwned the s**t out of utd
Well,okay,the history usually repeats itself,but who's gonna repeat kaka?
Ronaldinho has officially replaced kaka,isn't it??
I've heard you.Of course,Ronaldinho has replaced the void officially.But,he isn't the guy he once was.Ronaldinho can't take the whole defense all by himself,like Kaka did.Ronaldinho is awesome;but he is only an assist-machine-that means someone has to finish his glorious passes.
Here starts the problem,exactly:
I may sound harsh,but its the truth- Hunter/Borriello definitely cannot handle those giant CB's in Man utd.Its virtually undebatable-its a fact.
With all due respect to Il Duck-Pato is too young to handle Patrice Evra.Another fact.Pato is very very talented youngster.We can't expect this kid to run riots in the Man Utd bossy defense.Remember he is only 20.
Inzaghi-stealthy,classy,experienced,charismatic striker-even at his ripe age of 36 he can handle the situation.But,very less chance of Pippo starting.
With this scenario in Milan,how could you expect the Rossoneri to fire 3+ goals?
And the problem is not over,yet!
Man Utd have Alex Ferguson,a completely no-nonsense,error free manager sitting on the bench.On the other hand,you have Leonardo,a debutant,inexperienced and to be honest,not a reliable gaffer.
Ferguson can just park the bus,and sit relaxed.And also,those referees in Man Utd will only be enemies for the Rossoneri shirts.
Atleast,they won't park a ship.
Come on,you don't even sound like a Milan supporter!
I've heard you,again.On paper,Milan's qualification is almost impossible.But that doesn't necessarily mean that Milan will fail!Because,football,has always proved to be an unpredictable game.
Who expected Liverpool,to turn the table around in the CL final's 2005?
Who expected that crazy result in last year's Chelsea vs Liverpool second leg?
Anything is possible.Man Utd are not that mighty we think of!After all,they just lost to a third tier team,this season.If Leeds can make it,why not Milan?
Like Adriano G says,Milan have the CL heritage in their blood. This were surprisingly 100% true words,from that joker,who likes to blabber s**t.Milan's focus,now and in the past,only was the mighty CL,not the local Scudetto.So,Milan won't leave it just like that;expect a hell of a spirit from the Red-Black shirts.
To qualify,Milan need to do a bit of magic,which is a relevant part of football.Leonardo is young,radical in is ways,and most importantly clear in his ideas.Surely can,expect some magical football from the Italian side.
Its hard,not impossible for the Rossoneri.End.
All I can promise is,we are definitely gonna see some glorious football.A reason to rejoice for the neutral football fans.Viva joga bonito!
May the best team win!
Good Article.
"Man Utd are not that mighty we think of!" who said they are a mighty side.After all they lost to Leeds so Milan can do it.But they need to play a perfect game.
Let's hope some fans get involved here - be good to hear some banter! i am a neutral but usually back the English team in Europe. This season though, Man United have annoyed me. Been luck in the PL with 10 own goals scored for them, etc.
Looking forward to it!
Keep writing Pragathish
@Howard Gray:
haha lucky yes.You gonna enjoy the match as a neutral,have fun!
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